My Voting Day
life March 8th, 2008I decided to go to cast my vote today. Arrange with a friend to go for voting. Fetch him around 12.30pm
We headed to St. Michael School… my old secondary school. Traffic a bit crowded in this small road. At the end we parked at the top of St. Michael Church hill. Walk down the hill and looks like it’s going to start drizzling. Walk down the hill for about 200m.
Check my name at the SPR counter. I showed them my slip which I got when I check my name at Tanjung Aru few days before. They said, I can use it… me and friend went to our respective ‘saluran’ or stream about 50m away. My stream is number 2.
Entered the stream 2 casting room… they look at my slip and said… KAU PENGUNDI HANTU!!!… no lah… just kidding… they said, I’m in the wrong room… HOIT!!!… this is my fourth time voting here… the very same building. They said, I have to go to St. Joseph School… my old primary school… WHAT? That is another 50m or so away!!!… don’t want to make noise, I go out and waited my fren.
Not satisfied, I went to check my name again at the SPR counter. I told them the voting clerk chased me away because I’m PENGUNDI HANTU!!!… They look SHOCKED. I ask them to check my name again in the computer since they did not check it earlier. Well… it is true that I have to vote at St. Joseph. I ask for the SPR slip this time.
Man… now I have to climb the hill to get the car and drive like another 400m to St. Joseph. Why the heck did they move my voting place around…
Since my friend already cast his vote… I ask him to be my PRESS SECRETARY… which made me RED later because there was ex-YB when my school mate shouted ‘since when did I have press secretary’.
At last, I manage to cast my vote… along my journey from the start, manage to see old time friends… schools mates… relatives… I just said “VOTE FOR ME YA”…
And I thought I was the only victim of being move around… it’s ok lah although I’m heavy but I’m strong 😀 … but an old man who do not have vehicle was also a victim… he have to walk like 200m altogether… 🙁 and he is using walking cane!
Checking my name again after almost declared HANTU
The old man who has the same fate with me… our voting place changed… about 100m apart, he has to walk… 😮
My Press Secretary did a good job…
March 9th, 2008 at 12:26 am
Ehhh.. St. Joseph, Penampang! My mom’s old school! 😀 Aaaaahhh… syoknya tengok! I’ve never seen that school, you know! Thanks for sharing! Somehow, I feel happy pulak. Hahaha!
March 9th, 2008 at 11:47 am
Tell them, if you never find my name, I shall haunt you forever. 😛 See if he/she can find your name.
March 9th, 2008 at 1:07 pm
ethel# ooo… you mum from here kah?… Actually, I was planning to take my school photos long time ago… later lah when I got the new camera 😀
vortrack# 😆 I wanted to make some joke or noise inside… but… i got scared, donno why… 😛 Maybe we are living in a scary world… but after last night results, seems thing will not be the same anymore 😀
March 9th, 2008 at 1:48 pm
heyyya…My ex school too.. St. Michael and st joseph penampang…
March 9th, 2008 at 3:47 pm
kasian kau kana kais pindah tempat…but u know….many people even kana pindah wayyyyyyyyyy further and strangely got at least 15 pengundi (yesterday) got same IC number, diff name OR name ngam but IC got lain sikit….aka..pengundi hantu kaitu?
March 9th, 2008 at 8:00 pm
yeah,pity you being reallocate to this there.but nvm la,at the end you also jalankan your responsible
March 9th, 2008 at 10:00 pm
missmaika# hoit… small world… i think i really should do the ‘about my old shcool’ post… 😀
kupi# wah… really 15 with same IC kah? 🙁 is that HANTU or what? Sometimes I worried my IC kena clone too… it’s like our IC is loosing its value.
daren# yalo… what to do… but now we see new Malaysia i guess… X Gen… but definitely not Gen2 lah… 😆
March 11th, 2008 at 10:35 am
Weiiii….lebat hujan masa tu kot…petang lagi I undi…lagi-lagi sia tiada payung…last-last sia pangkah ‘payung’ woooo…!
March 11th, 2008 at 11:48 pm
😆 true man… it was raining… the PAYUNG was the real winner on that day 😀