Last night around 10.30pm, while checking my blog, suddenly it went BLANK!

It was saying something like my DATABASE is missing!!!

Ooooo boy… sound really SERIOUS!

I was so freaked out!

Earlier in the afternoon, I was checking on how to backup my database. I found the tutorial and tried login to my account. I’ve seen the interfaces but I did not proceed with the backup.

The  ugly part is, I have not backup anything from my blog since I build it in July 2007… that’s why it really made me freak out.

I tried this and tried that, but still the same error message!!!

I calm down myself and pretend it’s not happening… I don’t want to hit the panic button.

Luckily, after like 20 minutes, the pages started appearing but very slow. I believe this error must not be coming from my blog… it must be caused by my hosting service provider… maybe they were restarting the servers.

It gets faster and faster until past 12am… pheww… it’s back to normal now 😀