Killing worms you dug out from your back yard is easy, unless you scared with it, but killing a single worm stuck in you computer is like fighting a mammoth with a chop stick!

After struggling for almost two weeks… and almost skipping every meal, day and night, at last I finally manage to kill the bloody worm stuck in our network ‘perimeter’!… although it doesn’t have blood 😆

I guess doing troubleshooting work like this is the best way to diet, better then the best diet pills you can find out there. Yea, everyone said I’m gaining weight… yea right! It’s all because of the work you all given to me… the more work I have to do, the faster I get bigger.

I was trying every scanner I can find on the net to scan for worm, trojan or virus in the computer but no luck. Every time packets travel through the network… not ‘maggi mee’ packets ok… packets as data in the network… it gets hijacked… especially when it involved Microsoft website or any antivirus website. Whenever someone try to access the Microsoft website or antivirus website, they get redirected to some other places. But visiting other sites is ok.

But luckily, early morning yesterday, my colleague said the worm we are looking for could be the conficker! Damm… I was trying to recall this name since last week… I immediately google for its remover… and the best remover is from Symantec which they call the Conficker as Downadup worm. Download the Conficker remover from Symantec, run it and within less than half hour, the whole network is healed!!! Hallelujah …

Now I can go eat more and get fatter 😆