The MCSE class I’m attending on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.00 PM to 9.30 PM is getting… errrr… interesting?

First, we have elected our class head through an electronic voting last week… well through the yahoo group voting to be more precise.

This week, there will be no class… since it is the Harvest Festival or Tadau Kaamatan on Saturday and Sunday… scared too many gets too drunk or eat too much during the festival then cannot come to class.

And since it falls on Sunday, today, Monday, is a public holiday here in Sabah. Tomorrow, Tuesday, have to go back to work… grrrrr…

Last Friday I took a day leave to give some assistant to take video for a charity cause. I was not doing it alone, a friend was doing the video thingy… and I was just snapping photos here and there 😀 Will talk about the charity next time…

OK, back to the class issues… since we have elected our class head, there are suggestions regarding doing some activities or outing other than just coming for the class. As usual, with all the ‘crazy’ students, there were some crazy suggestions.

But one which is ‘almost’ accepted by all is having a paint ball game. The lecturer seems to be ‘really in favor’ with the idea. Then I suggested we should ‘fight’ with the other group instead of fighting among ourselves… there are two classes… one is the weekdays night classes which I’m attending and the other one is the weekend classes.

But the lecturer said we might not have a chance… but then again, she said, maybe not… coz the other group got a lot of ‘naga’… smoker… emm… OK, but our class have more overweight students I said… LOL… maybe our overweight students should do weight loss program rather than doing MCSE class… LOL

Well, just hope the paint ball game will come true… got ‘naga’ or overweight students doesn’t matter… each group got a least 25 students mah… 😀