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need money for car insurance

auto, car, car service, insurance, quote

errrrr… have to spend some more money this month… received a reminder for my car insurance renewal recently… πŸ˜› The auto insurance quotes says, it’s gonna be RM400++ after the 55% NCD… No Claim Discount… πŸ˜›

Last month I just spent almost RM900 for the car service and air-con service… where to get money now?… The RM500 bonus for this month by the federal government seems to be no where… coz the state government have not announced if they going to do the same or not… If they give the bonus, then I can use it to pay my car insurance premium… just nice… just enough to pay for the insurance premium and road tax… but still not enough to pay my 7 more speeding tickets… the bloody ‘saman ekor’ or speed trap or speed camera… amounting to RM1800… πŸ˜›

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where the heck are my files…

auto, auto insurance quotes, insurance, life, policy

It’s time to fill in the income tax again… but I have not received all my insurance statements… and the submission dateline is by 30 April… πŸ˜›

And the worse thing… I can’t find my insurance policies… the whole file containing all my insurance thingy… life and auto insurance… πŸ˜› I hope I just misplaced the file… it went missing at the same time as my passport and other certificates file the other day… I ransack the house and office and luckily found them stashed behind one of the drawers…

Now, it’s time for me to ransack the house and office again… I need to find it before the dateline… else I have to ask for new life and auto insurance quotes… that means more works and documents to deal with… πŸ˜›

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it’s time to service again

auto, insurance, quote, service, servicing, toyota, umw

It’s time to send my car for servicing again… it has passed the 58k KM mileage… errr should it be read as kilometerage?… it’s really strange that we still refer it as mileage although we have been using the metric standard for so long… πŸ˜›

I always exceed the once in 3 months servicing schedule… coz my mileage within the 3 months period always less than 5,000 km… so I only service my car once in 5 months, once it has accumulated 5,000 km… although UMW Toyota said it’s not good for the engine, well, I don’t really care coz I’m using synthetic lubricant… lubricant from Toyota itself… πŸ˜›

It’s going to be the first servicing for this year… and I must do the servicing before the Chinese New Year… which falls on 14 & 15 February… which also falls on Valentine Day… and luckily my road tax and insurance are still valid for another 8 months… so I don’t have to worry about auto insurance quote… else more money need to be spent next month πŸ˜›

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