facebook just went public
facebook, gift, ipo, Mark Zuckerberg, Nasdaq, Nasdaq Stock Market, shareTing Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting… That’s the sound of Nasdaq Stock Market bell made by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook just went public at $38 per share… Facebook sold 421.2 million shares at $38 each which put Facebook value at $104 billion, upped $16 billion… 😛
As comparison, here are the values of the top five companies as of yesterday closing stock prices…
Apple, $496 billion
Exxon Mobil, $383 billion
Microsoft, $250 billion
IBM, $229 billion
Wal-Mart Stores, $210 billion
I wish I have the money and access to the Facebook shares… one lot will be… $38 x 1000 shares… that’s USD$38,000… multiply that with 3 thus making it RM114,000… and that is just the price of initial public offering or IPO… I can’t even make that in one year… 😛
Analyst said Facebook is less than $100 billion, but the banks helping it to go public put it at that value forcing everyone without choice to accept it at that value. That’s how shares being traded… if banker said the value of this piece of paper is $100 although its actual value is just $1, everyone have to accept it… that’s how powerful bankers are.
Well, only rich people can play this game… and they’re getting richer… they can give Ferrari as presents to each of their girlfriends… while those who can’t afford these expensive stocks can only afford wife gift to whet her whistle… that’s life… hahahaha…