On Wednesday, immediately after the MCSE class, 5 of us rush to 1Borneo to catch the Where Got Ghost? movie…

The movie has been on show for sometimes… we have been planning to watch this movie since a couple of weeks ago… but timing always not right.

So this time, we make sure we go coz we worried it will be removed from the show soon.

When the others were talking about it before, I thought it was an English movie… I did not bother to check it on the web… So, I was shocked when it started with Chinese character… But the movie is not bad at all… instead of getting scared, I was laughing all the way with all the stupid funny ghost story they have… there are actually 3 different ghost stories in the movie.

After the movie, I went into the 1Borneo toilet… washroom. I think everyone know this 1Borneo has a bad quality in workmanship. The ceilings are leaking… the tiles are popping out and falling down… since the first day it was open.

The toilet has a great gadget… for guys, while leaking into the bowl they can watch some TV or video shows on the LCD screen on each of the pee bowl.

But they are all broken now… some covered with card board… probably the LCDs has been cracked… punched or smashed by some hooligan…

The only sparkling there is the floor… during the night, when there is no more people, only us going out from the cinema, the floor is sparkling like a glass tile… maybe it is marble tiles, but not sure if it marble or just a cheap floor tiles…

And talking about one leak… 1Borneo nick name is 1Bocor or 1Leak coz it leak and broken everywhere… 😛