self gifts… online purchase
BlackRapid, camera, Dye i4 goggle, paintball, personalized gift, RS-7 R-StrapLast week I received two packages through POS Laju… one I received on Monday which I have to collect from the Post Office since I used my Postal Box as the shipping address and the second package was sent to my office since I used my office address for the shipping address.
Well, both packages are not personalized gift… it will be great if someone out there did send me these gifts… anyway, they are actually goods I bought online… well not exactly… one is purchased online and paid using PayPal and the second one is through IM and paid using Maybank2U.
The fist one is the BlackRapid’s RS-7 R-Strap camera strap bought from ShaShinKi which comes with ConnectR-2 and FastenR2. If you are not sure what are these, just Google BlackRapid. This strap helps handling the camera better.
OK, the second package was DYE’s i4 Clear Lens… this is not camera stuff but it do help in taking picture 😀 The lens is for my paintball goggle… the DYE i4. When I purchased it, it came with a Smoke Lens… tinted lens. Smoke Lens is good for playing paintball but not for taking paintball photos in the field. So, this clear lens will help me see better through the camera’s eyepiece when taking photos in the field.