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low on testosterone?

depo testosterone, fatigue, tired, work

I’m not sure what the reason I feel tired all the time… lately, I get very sleepy in the afternoon… fatigue… well, it happen before, but not as much as nowadays… I do have lots of thing to work and think… but at the same time I do sleep late… both can be the reason… but probably, I’m getting older or  like the science said, low on testosterone… if you don’t believe me, you can read it from depo testosterone 😛 It said testosterone levels decrease after the age of 27… 😛 😛

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Fix with coffee but still sleepy…

alert, coffee, espresso, nespresso, sleepy, tired

It’s 2.30pm and it’s raining… yesterday was public holiday…

Has been sleeping all the time since yesterday… too lazy to do anything… just eat, watch tv and sleep…

Tried to do some light exercise but it doesn’t help… maybe I will go gym this evening…

Tried drinking coffee… although I don’t like coffee… doesn’t help either… tried pure Nescafe and Nescafe 3 in 1… same thing… tried espresso or was it Nespresso which I ‘tapau’ from Melia Hotel two weeks ago… no kick… still sleepy… even while watching tv can fall asleep… 😛

Donno wats wrong with me… probably took too much holiday… almost 3 weeks of holiday… and paintball too…

Tomorrow is Sunday, probably sleep some more… 😛

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