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your tap water

health, tap water, water, water filter

Do you trust your tap water and dare drinking directly from it?… you should not trust it… if you ever serviced your water filter… of course only if you have installed one… you will never trust your tap water the same way you trust it before. Boiling the tap water is not enough to remove the sediments in the water.

First of all, you should install at least one good water filter… today, water filter is not that expensive coz there are many wholesale water filter around.

But do careful when buying water filter… if you bought a bad water filter, it will only give you a false sense of security… and end up poisoning yourself and family… 😛

Just look at this water filter after being installed for a month… for normal house hold usage… cooking, drinking and dish washing… imagine if you don’t have the water filter?… just imagine how much of that black rusty stuff goes into your body throughout the years… boiling the water alone will not help… just think about it…

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new faucet for the office sink

faucets, sink, water, water filter

At last, last week the office faucet was replaced after almost a year it was reported broken… yea it was almost a year ago… and yea we have a sink in our office… and not sure what was brand of the new faucet… it could be from Delta faucets

Well, it is not allowed to have a sink or any water supply pipes in the office area other then the designated area like pantry or wash room, but somehow during the last renovation about 3 years ago, we manage to convinced the architect and building management to install one for us… we needed a sink in our engineering room or you can call it ICT maintenance room to wash our hands or anything dirty…

How the faucets got broken?… We suspect someone has twisted the faucet lever so hard until it broke coz probably the water coming out is too small… well, the water is too small coz we connected it to a water filter for our drinking water… we suspects the person did not know how to operate the lever for the water filter… the lever for the water filter has two functions… one is to direct the water from the main to the water filter and produce the filtered water, that’s the  ‘small water’.  Second it let go the water directly from the main without going through the filter… and that is the ‘big water’… 😛 So, ever since the lever was broken, we have to use all kind of stuff to twist the lever… even sometime with plyer…

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bottles, broken, container, food, fridge, water

Family’s main fridge broke down on Thursday… it has been fixed a couple of times. Since I was on leave on that day coz I had my tooth pulled the day before, I took the opportunity to scout for a new fridge. I went Chan Furniture at Jalan Lintas, Kepayan, with one of my nephew.

Deciding for a replacement with the same size was quite difficult coz the prices are not very attractive… but at the end manage to decide after scouting for more than half hour inside the warehouse.

I ask for some discounts… manage to get some… but I believe it was a standard discount to make every client happy. So, I ask for free gift… and they offered me to choose between the custom water bottles or the food container… I choose the custom water bottles coz I have more use to it than the food container… man… they year is still young and spend so much money already… hope I can strike some 4D this year to recover all those money 😆

.. 😆 ..

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Waterrrr… we need waterrrr… HELP…


Today, everyone must be pissed off with the Water Department particularly their contractor, Jetama Sdn. Bhd., who are manning the Babagon Dam at Moyog.

They cut off the water supply to the whole Kota Kinabalu, Penampang… up to Lok Kawi and Inanam and many other areas beginning late this morning and it’s going to be like this for the next 36 hours or so.

According to their notice in the newspapers, the water supply will be cut off from 2.00pm 15 January 2008 until 10.00pm 16 January 2008. They have to shut down or reduce the water production for them to do maintenance works at their water treatment plant at Moyog.


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