This year, I hope I can do ecommerce on the net… I’m not hoping to be able to attract loads of customers but at least able to make it work… 😛

So, yesterday I discussed with a friend how to make eCart… emm… if you are not sure what is eCart, well it is not the correct term by the way, I just made it up coz all the systems’ name we build always comes with the ‘e’ in front. The cart we are building here is not a physical cart like hospital computer carts or the go cart… errr… is it ‘go cart’ or ‘go kart’?… ok, never mind about that, let’s go back to the cart we are building…  The cart or eCart we are building is similar to the actual supermarket trolley… but you can’t touch or feel it… it’s not physical… it’s virtual… that’s why I want to call it eCart which stand for ‘electronic cart’… 😀

Anyways, almost all sites selling stuff online will have electronic shopping cart. You use the cart to put the stuffs you want to purchase online before you check out to pay for the stuffs you pick.

OK, I don’t want to talk too much about the stuff I’m going to do with the eCart yet… but will talk more about it once the prototype works… hopefully the next few weeks… 😛 I hope we will be able to make this project works… 😛