be fair
bersih, fair, lawyer, litigation, raleigh May 4th, 2012The recent BERSIH 3.0 rally for fair and clean election on 28th April has not calm down. The rally is bigger than 2.0, probably twice of it. The rally can be considered a success… went out peacefully from the night before until it was over around 3pm… but unfortunately it did not end peacefully while they dispersed. Someone went overboard… 😛 But was the rally sabotage?…
Becoz of the action of some who went overboard, the police have to return with water canon and smoke bomb. And now, all parties are pointing finger at each other. Evidence of brutality from both side are all over the net to be seen… but was it sabotage?… The authority have to investigate all parties at all corners… be fair and clean.
Even the bar council are now asked to be resolved… some said they are no more professional body… politic is just crazy. Those who are injured, protestor or authority, are taking legal actions at each other. Even the business owners around the place where water canon and smoke bomb were let off are taking action… they want to sue the organizer… maybe they gonna get commercial litigation lawyers raleigh nc coz they don’t trust the bar council any more… 😛 Anyway, I just hope everyone will get a fair trial at the end… 😛