lets cut the grass
environment, grass cutter, pollution, reel lawn mowers May 12th, 2012If you want to save the environment and some bucks, it’s time to stop hiring the grass cutter. We usually call the grass cutter to trim the grass around our house for RM60 every month.
Hiring the grass cutter can be eliminated if we cut our own grass… but laziness rule I guess. At the same time when they cut the grass, it’s very noisy… the grass cutter machine is very loud and it uses petrol… not good for the environment.
So the best thing is to get a mechanical lawn mowers… or better known as reel lawn mowers. It doesn’t require any sparks… no petrol… just your pure energy. Reel mower is widely used in US but not much in other part of the world, especially here.
Finding reel lawn mowers here is not easy… although I did saw once in one of the hardware store in Karamunsing sometime ago… seems everyone prefer to call the grass cutter. I guess if I start importing and promote this reel mover over here, I might get lots of orders… emm… 😛