If you want to climb Mount Kinabalu at Ranau, there are many types of car transport service you can use for the 2 hours journey like 4WD, saloon car, van or bus. If you start your journey from Kota Kinabalu, you can take your transport near the Padang Bandaran.

But if you want to ship your car when you are transferred from here to Peninsular Malaysia or probably to another country, you can get a free online auto shipping quotes from Car Mover. Normally we called this service provider as movers or forwarders. Few years back, my uncle ships his car from Johor to Sabah. You definitely need someone who is expert in this business to do the shipping for you unless you don’t mind getting headache dealing with the authorities’ papers. After 3 weeks, the car arrived at the port. Why it took so long? Well it was a slow ship and it has to stop at Kuching Port to drop some cars first… 😛