Everyone has seen bar codes… the black and white bars representing texts and numbers… a very short code of texts and numbers represented by stripes of black and white bars. Usually it is less than 15 texts and/or numbers.

Then comes the Quick Response Code or QR Code… a two dimensional type of bar codes… but it’s not really like the normal bar codes… it is much more complex and it can take 250 characters, just like the length of SMS.

QR Code was invented by TOYOTA subsidiary Denso Wave in 1994 to track vehicles during the manufacturing process. Although QR Codes are longer, it was actually designed in such a way that it can be decoded at high speed.

Although it was invented in 1994, the usage is more confined within the manufacturing industries. But in the past few years, it has gain so much popularity that you can see advertisements carry this QR Code to represents their URL or websites. It was made more popular by the smart phones which has application to decode QR Codes. And airlines are using it by printing their passengers’ flight information in QR Code in their ticket so that passengers can use it to check in thru the kiosk at a fast rate.

To create and print QR Code is easy… you can make it online and print it. Or you can get a QR Code printers like the zebra labels printer which can print on plastics labels such as inventory labels for you electronics devices. To read the inventory QR Code label, all you need is a smart phone with QR Code decoder apps… 😀