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Aircast Braces & Supports

aircast, ankle, cast, futsal, sprain, torn ligamen

Futsal is a fast growing variant of football played in a small netted field and usually in a roofed area. The name futsal itself is translation of ‘hall football’ or ‘indoor football’ from the Spanish and Portuguese language. It’s a very fast game since it is played in a small area with 5 mans on each side.

Tripping or falling is very common in fast game like futsal. And one of the major injuries in futsal is sprain ankle or worse torn ligaments or muscles. But not many players take seriously with their injuries… sometimes they just leave their injuries unattended. They should see doctor and have it x-rayed. And there are better braces or support they can use instead of the normal elastic band they wrap around the injured area. Aircast braces or supports are available in the market now. Broken bones don’t have to use the bulky and uncomfortable plaster or fibreglass cast anymore.

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Futsal fever?

bata, dansko, futsal, leather, power, shoe

The futsal match last week will not be the last one… there will be more match to come.

And this time I might not only taking photos… but will be in the photo kicking ball ๐Ÿ˜€

They need more players since it is a fast game, they change players many times… no one can stay inside the field the whole 60 minutes.

It a very tiring and exhausting game…

So yesterday evening after we had our dinner at Usagi, Karamunsing… before we proceeded to our MCSE class, we stop by at the BATA shoe shop. We was here last Monday surveying shoe for futsal… and they do have three models for futsal.

I bought a pair of black Power futsal shoe for RM60.00… it is not made of leather like the Dansko shoes… that is why it is cheap… but the shoe do look like made of leather but it isย not… it is made of PU and itโ€™s light. They said it is better to have it light so that I can run faster… ๐Ÿ˜› But I donโ€™t think Iโ€™m going to run much… well, hopefully I can use the shoe and sweat with it ๐Ÿ˜€ I have not do any heavy exercise for quite sometime… my last golfing was more than six months ago… my golf shoe is getting rotten already… ๐Ÿ˜›



Futsal Match

futsal, jeselton point, suria indoor soccer centre

Last night, 22 August 2009, I went for futsal match at Suria Indoor Soccer Centre located at Jeselton Point, Kota Kinabalu. It wasย  a match between the Weekdays and Weekend MCSE class… I did not play but just take photos… ๐Ÿ˜€

Check out the Futsal 1 Album ๐Ÿ˜€

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