Human Growth Hormone
hgh, Human Growth Hormone, spray, steroid, Sylvester StalloneHuman Growth Hormone or HGS is similar to steroids. Most of us know what is steroids but not many know about HGH. Both are banned in sports… they are categorized as illegal substances. But previously, urine analysis could not detect doping with HGH, so the ban was unenforceable until the early 2000s when blood tests that could distinguish between natural and artificial HGH in blood can be used and enforced.
HGH can be in the form of hgh spray or pills… or even injection. HGH not only enhance the muscle buildup but it also gives more energy, better athletic performance, and many other benefits to its users. And because of its benefits in reducing wrinkles and burning fats which made it as the fountain of youth, many takes HGH without thinking the side effects which can potentially do serious damage to heart valve and other damage if not used correctly, or even if used in the correct doses.
Sylvester Stallone was caught and fined for using HGH…