SL1M… spelt like SLIM…well that’s the name of the new composite Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinder by Faidhi Holdings Sdn Bhd. and launched by the PM on 21 March 2012. This new composite cylinder is 100 per cent explosion-proof!… sound unimaginable…

According to the facts, the composite cylinder will not explode when put into high temperature like fire while it is full with LPG. Rather than keeping the LPG inside the cylinder when exposed into high temperature, the cylinder’s inner-gas tight PET (polyethylene terephthalate) liner will melts within minutes. Once the PET liner melted, the LPG will rush out slowly and burn till the cylinder is emptied. This will prevent the LPG trapped inside the cylinder from boiling and break the cylinder which will most likely cause an explosion.

Other than explosion proof, the composite cylinder is also very light… much lighter than the existing steel cylinder we currently use. But I and many other out there have some concern about this new composite cylinder. My concern is its durability and lifespan.

You see, usually the LPG steel cylinders we currently use are exposed to heavy abuse… the cylinder consistently receive loads of shocks like being dropped on the hard ground or even knock each other while being transported… under the hot sun or cold rain and snow. I will not agree if they start enforcing it to replace the existing steel cylinder before it receive any safety standard certification from the major petroleum companies like Shell and Esso.
Usually composite are very strong, but it can rot… it will rot after being exposed to sun, water, chemicals, etc… and with the heavy abuse, it will get hairline cracks… compared to steel cylinder which will only dent when knocked.

So the best place for this cylinder before it gets its safety certification from all the major petroleum companies is laboratory. Yes, laboratory coz it will get less abuse there and it’s suitable to be paired with the laboratory furnaces.

The new cylinders design are cool… they looks much futuristic compared to the old steel cylinder… but I still trust the old steel cylinder… 😀