Do you post or publish to the world your account screen shots?… Any account… email… PayPal… bank account… etc…

Well it’s not right to do that… especially when you intentionally or unintentionally forgot to sensor censors or blacken certain important information like identification number, account number, the URL’s of the screen shot, reference numbers… or anything important or supposed to be confidential in the screen shot you are publishing.

You might think there is nothing wrong by publishing all those stuff… but by doing so, you are giving some clues to someone who are interested to hack or gain entry into your account. Sometimes, with only one of the info, such as your account number, someone is able to dig more info about you and your account… which lead to your account being hack.

What’s more when you published so many details about your account… such as account number and URL… that is a huge info for someone to dig into your account… and at the same time exposing your account provider… and they get hack too…

Try to avoid posting stuffs which are not supposed to be seen by other than you yourself… well, posting and re-posting stuffs like promotional items, news, holiday destinations and so on are OK… but never post something which require you to login… meaning, if you need to login to view the page or information, never screen-shots it and post it… it’s for your own good… the web is like a postcard… whatever published in the web, anyone can read it… and use those information for good and bad!!!