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siff – Kazakhstan

infant halloween costumes, Kazakhstan, Sabah International Folklore Dance Festival Competition

One of the best costumes during the recent Sabah International Folklore Festival dance competition is from  Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan dance troupe is represented by a group of young girls… I think the youngest is like 10 years old or younger…

I really like their costume during their first night performance… it’s very epic… 😛 there is some kind of scary elements but at the same time their performance is very enjoyable. With all the little kids in their costume… I believe it represents wolf… and more like infant halloween costumes… they dance with great lighting on the stage.

Epic coz it’s like I’m watching one of the scene in The 13th Warrior (1999) movie… where a nomadic civilization known as Wendol… a mix of man and bear… man wearing bear hides or costumes to confuse and instill fear into their enemies… who are roaming during the night and sleeping inside the cave during the day… anyway, here are the photos of the Kazakhstan dance troupe… 😀

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Tanjore Dance Music & Art Research Centre

Ashish Ramesh Tanjorkar, India, Sabah International Folklore Dance Festival Competition, Tanjore Dance Music & Art Research Centre

During the 5th Sabah International Folklore Dance Festival Competition recently, 24-25 July 2010, my duty was to assist the jury from India, Mr. Ashish Ramesh Tanjorkar, with the jury system. We the IT people have to sit with the juries… meaning we are sitting close to the stage… my place is the 2nd most end on the left side of the stage… so not really a good view to snap photos compared to those sitting in middle section.

Anyway, here are the photos of the Tanjore Dance Music & Art Research Centre from India… 😀 . . . Continue Reading »

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