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5th Sabah International Folkore Festival… saturday night

acne pills, sabah international folklore competition, sabah international folklore festival, sifc, siff

The opening of the Sabah International Folklore Festival last night encountered some technical glitch… the stage went black-out for about 10 minutes… 😛 The participating countries were introduced where the dancers of each countries will dance into the stage and line up there… but after the fourth country entrance, suddenly the stage went black-out and also the sound systems went dead… 😛

Luckily the traditional musical are not using any of the sound system… so, it was the only thing that save the night… if not the whole stage will be in the dark and dead silent… 😛

The people in charge were running around trying to fix the problem… it was the IT having some little network problem in the afternoon during rehearsal… but this time, it was live with the VIPs… those who are in charge of the sound systems, lighting system, the stage, the power supply… etc… are going to face someone after the event… hope they don’t get screwed so much and end up looking for acne pills… 😛 But everything went smoothly after the power restored until the event was over around 11pm…

Anyway, here are some of the photos of the night… will post more later… need rest for tonight final… those who are interested to attend, tickets are RM30 and for those below 17 years, tickets are RM10… . . . Continue Reading »


5th Sabah International Folkore Festival

pronexin, sabah international folklore competition, sabah international folklore festival, sifc, siff

Tonight will be the start of the Sabah International Folklore Festival 2010 Competition at Pusat Kebudayaan Sabah, Penampang (Kasigui) or Sabah Cultural Center, Penampang (Kasigui)… it’s going to be held for two days, Saturday and Sunday… 24th to 25th July 2010. Fourteen countries will be competing.

I will be there as IT Technical officer… more than fourteen of us will be assisting the juries and judges with the judging system. I will be specifically assisting the jury from India. Luckily the jury from India is speaking in English not like some of the countries where they required a translator 😛

Today we started at 9am for the rehearsal… it was quite tense when the network was having problem… the system was running damm bloody slow… but manage to solve it… it was caused by the faulty network adapter in the server… lucky the server has 3 network adapters 😀 else someone gonna need pronexin to kill all the acne stress popping up 😛

It was fun wathching all the countries doing their rehearsals… we break around 1.30 and will be back at 5.30pm for the competition tonight… hope everything will run smoothly tonight… and tomorrow… 😀

Here are some of the rehearsals photos… . . . Continue Reading »

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