The most talked about… discussed… argued… amongstย  the government/civil servants or staffs since early this month is the Public Service New Remuneration Scheme… the Saraan Baru Perkhidmatan Awam or SBPA in short. The government of Malaysia is introducing a new scheme for the government staffs to replace the old scheme, Sistem Saraan Malaysia or SSM which was introduced in 2002.

What are the ingredients in the new scheme that made a lot of people don’t like or worried about or not satisfied with?… From my observation and after reading the documents provide by the Public Service Department (PSD) or Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), I feels that there are two major issues here…. one is the exit policy… and second is the salary table. There are other issues but I feels they are not that critical for accepting the new scheme… In fact there is only one critical issue which is the exit policy but I put the salary table as critical too which I will explain later.

OK, lets start with the first issue… the exit policy. According to the new scheme, those who scored below 75% in their yearly assessment will not get their yearly salary increment. In the previous scheme, only those scored below 50% are not given salary increment.. meaning the new scheme is much tougher. And those scored below 70% will be given six months to buck-up. If they fail during assessment at the end of their six months assessment, their service will be terminated. In the previous scheme, termination of service is not that obvious, meaning even if you score 50%, you will not get boot out… you just won’t get your salary increment. This mean the new scheme is super tough… those who is currently underperforming or not in good term with their boss are in great danger… if they signup for the new scheme this year, they might be receiving their gifts for retirement in 2013… ๐Ÿ˜›

As for the second issue… it’s not really an issue but it just that everyone are eager to know how much salary increment will they get in the new salary table coz the Lampiran C which supposed to contain the new salary table is not made public yet… the Lampiran C is still treated as Classified or Sulit… only the head of department and some key personnel are able to view the table… as for me, I got my source and have seen what I will be getting… if what I saw was true, then I will be getting more than RM500 next year including my salary increment which falls in January… ๐Ÿ˜€

Oh… there is another issue which is quite important… we are only given 15 days to make up our mind before the expire date on 31st December 2011… failing to return the answer form will be considered not interested with the new scheme. But luckily the dateline has been extended to 15th January 2012… but anyways, I will opt for the new scheme… hope I wont score below 75% in the future… ๐Ÿ˜›