My office has been using sticker labels printed with barcode printer to tag our goods for few years already. Our sticker labels are made of tough plastic. Using sticker labels are neater and cleaner… and looks much more professional.

Before, they were using waterproof marker pen to write on the surface of our goods. Those with ugly handwriting will  make the tagging super ugly… uneven size, not straight… hard to read… you name it, they are simply ugly… 😛

And with the barcode printed on the label, it is easier to enter the tag or serial number to the computer when we want to verify the goods… or searching in the database… Barcode printer and scanner are not very expensive, just like the Symbol LS2208 barcode scanner which is very affordable…  we simply use the barcode scanner to read the codes instead of punching in each code using the keyboard… no more typing mistake 😀