stupid phone call
call, center, inbound, phone, stupidity, work January 12th, 2010I really want to put this in here…
On the first working day of this year, 4 January 2010, I received a call… through my office extension phone.
I pick-up the phone and answer ‘Hello’… A lady voice on the other end replied… ‘Is this extension 13xx?’… I said ‘Yes’… then she replied… telling me her company name and location… then asked, ‘How do we register with you?’…
My mind was saying… ‘What the heck is this lady talking about?’…
So I asked her what she wants to register?… and her replied was she not sure… her boss asked her to register… shoot man!!! Is it April already?… I told her I can’t help her if she not sure what her boss want…
Then she asks me what my office business is… I told her it is the ICT section… then she asks me again what is ICT… OMG!!!… I told her it stand for Information & Communication Technology… then she asks me again what it do?
What the heck!!!! O_O
I told her it’s about computers… then she asks me if I can tell her more about ICT… Farkkkkk!!!!… (ok… ok… I don’t like that word to be in here… but that was really what in my mind that time… and it was written with font size 1000 in my head!!!)
I told her I can’t help her if she not sure with everything she asks… I told her to Google the ICT word herself… then she asks me how to do it!!!!! FARKKKKKK… dammit!!!!… This time the word is written with zillion font size!!!… Come on man… This is not an inbound call center… not a sex-call center… not a psychiatric call center… not a psychiatric hospital… not a mental hospital…
I told her to find out herself coz I’m busy and I have a guest in front of me… then I hang up the phone before more stupid words comes out from her mouth…
Dammm… that was really… really… really… I don’t know what word to describe my feeling… what I went thru… at that time… dammm… 😛
January 12th, 2010 at 9:18 am
Hahaha… kivaa nogi tuhun miaga di kio. Apagat monolifon nga au koiho onu uoton. Momulitik motu gia diau ih? hehehe
January 22nd, 2010 at 12:56 am
January 12th, 2010 at 10:26 am
sabar ko tim…..u know la sometimes ppl can be dumb one…been there, seen them…a lot ~~~~~
January 22nd, 2010 at 12:57 am
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January 15th, 2010 at 7:15 am
You are lucky you don’t have to face them directly. In my scope of work, I meet this type of people whom I cannot avoid. lol !
January 22nd, 2010 at 12:58 am
lucky me then… 😆