I don’t normally check my Google Page Rank… But there are many blogs entries about it for the past one week… most of them are complaints… but when I browse my blog few minutes ago, I notice my PR button is not showing the N/A or 0 anymore… it showing 3!!!.. holly cow… what did I do? I don’t know… what did google do? I also donno… But I’m happy that I have a PR now… the best part is, it shoot from nowhere to 3… from 0 to 3!!! So, whoever back-linking to me, thank you very much… let me know if I did not backlink you back 😉

OK, thats about the PR forayyy… I hope I’m not dreaming. I hope when I switch on my notebook tomorrow, my PR will be still 3… better still 10 😛

Now, I’m bit stressful coz I have not pack for my KL trip tomorrow… so sleepy too…