rain oh rain…
life, rain November 18th, 2007wow… it has been raining for almost 48 hours or could be more than that. It’s not raining continuously. The rain did stop like half to 4 hours once in a while. The good thing is, luckily it’s only rain, and there is no strong wind. The sun was shying away for the past 2 days, so all cloths are hanging to dry. I hope the cloths don’t get rotten… I’m running out of cloths.
November 18th, 2007 at 1:51 pm
yeabah, ujan sija kan. my clothes not drying oh T_T isk isk..lucky today macam ada sunny sudah
November 18th, 2007 at 2:10 pm
Banjir tak? Hope everyone is safe despite getting so much water.
November 18th, 2007 at 2:32 pm
Luckily so far no report about ‘banjir’ or ‘tanah runtuh’… as of 2pm just now, the sun already coming out… cepat cepat we push out our mobile cloths line, that only half of it, yang lain hangging on the temporary cloths line… I want to show pic but malu bah… all the batman, superman hanging lah… 🙂