I guess it’s still ok to say Happy New Year… 😀 This gonna be my first posting in my blog for this year, 2011… 😀

What did we do during the new year eve on 31st December 2010 and the first day of 2011?… Well, family, cousins and guest had little barbecue and fireworks… as usual, the main barbecue is the lamb 😀 there are also sausages, chicken wings,  satay and pork barbecued on that night… also some noodles, root beer, beer… and some acsonix to get rid of pimples for eating too much barbecue and staying late… 😛 just kidding… 😆

Anyways, just like the previous years, fireworks is the main and most fun activity on that night… usually it just like a fight… or should I say war?… whenever someone launched their fireworks, others will response with bigger or more fireworks… especially when it get closer to 12.00am… and of course when the clock hit the new year, not only the fireworks but firecrackers will echo the whole place… that night we launched about 30 fireworks and burned four blocks of 8 feet long firecrackers… 😀