’08 The Fireworks Launching Test
2008, fireworks January 5th, 2008Five days into 2008… or the fist week of 2008 is over… although works are still piling at the office for closing accounts, etc… at least got time to edit and post some pictures today.
The first series is about the preparations for fireworks ‘gala’ at home 😀 … the fireworks launching test!
This is the launching cylinder made of hard paper or card-board. It is slightly more than one and a half feet tall and three inches in diameter. For safety, although it has the base for it to stand, it is better to bury the base… firm! From previous year’s experience, leaving it free standing is not a good idea. The thing which looks like a grenade with a tail is the explosive… the fireworks. Put it inside the cylinder… never put the ‘grenade’ upside-down or ‘terbalik’… else you will see heaven on earth 😀 The tail is the fuse… I think it is not long enough for those ‘kurang semangat’ LOL
This is how it looks like after burring some 2 inches of the launching cylinder. And the ‘take off moment’… lucky I manage to capture that… the results?… Waaaait… we need commercial breaks for now 😀
January 5th, 2008 at 12:35 pm
whoaaaa….ada permit kah ni bos? hehe…
January 5th, 2008 at 4:44 pm
1. was this during NY eve?
2. it seems EVERYBODY got this kind on NY eve. At least one box of shells.
3. be careful what you post – it can be used as evidence… better be more discreet like this guy (using EXACTLY the same thing you did): http://youtube.com/watch?v=KHvVGP425JM
4. if loading your blog got problem (redirected to adbaaz), remove advertlets: http://www.pinolobu.com/money/2008/01/advertletscom-in-trouble-domain-expired-4th-jan-2008-and-not-renewed/
January 5th, 2008 at 11:01 pm
emm… pulis bilang, kalu bakar between 11.59PM – 12.30am tidak perlu permit… LOL
January 5th, 2008 at 11:10 pm
ben… yep, it is during NY eve… and it is the same like the youtube video lah… 😀