If you are not a sissy, guess this…
sports January 12th, 2008England, France, Ireland, Italy, Scotland & Wales… what do these countries has in common?… Did you answered Europe?… NO, that is not the correct answer… even a small kid knows those countries are in Europe… come on, don’t be a sissy!
OK, look at these countries logos and the special logo above. You still can’t figure it out?… Man… you are a real sissy… even a lady can guess the answer. Even my grandma can give a correct guess.
OK, you admitted you’re a sissy, so now I give you the answer. These countries played in a rugby game in Europe. Yes, rugby game… not a cricket games or any other football games. They played in the RBS 6 Nations Rugby Games. You can find more about the games from the RBS 6 Nations Rugby official websites. They are the official website for Europe’s premier international rugby tournament, the 6 nations championship.
This website is the holy grail of rugby games in Europe. They provide comprehensive list of tournament news, fixtures and results, as well as interactive games and podcasts section for six nations fans. Fans will enjoy endless of exiting information and with the FANZONE, fans can have extras like competitions, photo galleries, wallpapers, games, screensavers and more.