When it involves large amount of money, get advice first
financial March 17th, 2008After spending quite a large amount of money for toys recently, it is time to talk about some serious stuff. OK, let’s talk about Mortgages… yes mortgages for home, new or old. Do you know that it is important to get advice before you commit yourself with any mortgages? Yes, it is very important… it does not matter whether you are a first time buyer or not. Getting mortgages will involve commitment… a serious commitment which can stretch up to 20 or 30 years. Make a mistake and you could suffer for that long. And you will be talking about large amount of monies… from ten of thousands to millions of dollars. There are many ways to get advice on mortgages. The simplest is through the internet. I like to preach about getting information from the internet because there are endless of information out there… but make sure to get the right one.