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spend then save

credit card, financial, spending

I actually spend quite a lot the previous and this month… basically they all went to my car. Well, I’m not really complaining… spending on my car is very important… coz if I don’t spend on my car then I will not have any transport… and when I don’t have transport, I can’t go to work… and when I can’t go to work, I can’t have money…

So, spending wisely and where necessary is a good habit… some people likes to spend on unnecessary things… well, I do that sometimes… yea, in fact I did that last week… I bought something which I don’t really use… but lucky I’m still in control of my spending… else I will end up fixing bad credit every month…

So now, I need to start saving again to replenish what I’ve spent the last two months… coz in couple of months, I’m gonna need a lot of it for my two trips… Philippines and Korea… emmm… hope I can save enough so that I don’t have to worry when enjoying myself there… 😛 else I will have to use my credit card or cards… which still have some unpaid balance… but like I said, I’m still in control on my spending… 😀

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Short-Changed by ATM


All banks should be able to handle private banking accounts like the regular savings account you have. But not all banks have online banking facilities. For me, online banking facility is a necessity and every bank should provide it. If you read the newspaper yesterday, the Consumer Association of Sabah & Labuan Presidents said some of the ATM in the state are half decade old. He himself has been ‘short-changed’ twice by the old ATM.

Getting back your cash from the bank is not that easy. The way they treat your claim is like you are at fault! Imagine, if they can’t replace their old ATM, how would they venture into internet banking? Would they be able to handle internet banking? They made so much money every year and yet they can’t replace their old ATM to a more advance ATM.


Still smiling with bad credit


Do you think these people are happy just because they smile like that? How do you know that they don’t have any bad credit records? Well, we will never be able to tell because even if any of them have bad credit records, they still can smile ear to ear because they can get bad credit loans or bad credit credit cards. Don’t believe me? Check it yourself at Bad Credit Offer.

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Free financial resources


The current global economy is not very promising to some. More and more are getting into financial trouble everyday and the statistic is not getting better either. To those who are already in this troubled boat will have a hard time to get back onto their feet. It will not be easy for them to get another financial assistant thus making it even more impossible for them to break free.

Although there are many out there who are willing to offer help to those who are in this troubled boat, they should not take those offer straight away because it might bring them further into the slump. Many are offering bad credit loans, but how much will it fit into their shoe?

To avoid to escalate their trouble, they should do further research on what other suitable credit offer available to them. Or get free resources from Bad Credit Offers who compile credit offers available daily. Their experts compile and analyze credit offers available in the current market and present it to other consumers to help them to find the best credit offer that fit into their needs regardless of their credit history.

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When it involves large amount of money, get advice first


After spending quite a large amount of money for toys recently, it is time to talk about some serious stuff. OK, let’s talk about Mortgages… yes mortgages for home, new or old. Do you know that it is important to get advice before you commit yourself with any mortgages? Yes, it is very important… it does not matter whether you are a first time buyer or not. Getting mortgages will involve commitment… a serious commitment which can stretch up to 20 or 30 years. Make a mistake and you could suffer for that long. And you will be talking about large amount of monies… from ten of thousands to millions of dollars. There are many ways to get advice on mortgages. The simplest is through the internet. I like to preach about getting information from the internet because there are endless of information out there… but make sure to get the right one.

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Naughty card… drop my water face


Every time I use my credit card after charging a large sum on it, tension feeling will overshadow me. The problem is, every time a large amount charged to my credit card, my next purchase will definitely decline! It’s very embarrassing as if I’m a bad credit credit cards customer or some kind of credit card criminal on the loose. It happens to me ‘again’ when I charged my credit card for my car service a few days ago. It’s because I’ve charge a large amount on it earlier for the Canon EOS 40D DSLR camera 😛 Lucky I have my other card with me to pay my car service charges.

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The bank gets busy after the election


Went to the bank during lunch time today to pay my credit card but the queue was too long… my queue number is 1384 but the number being serviced is only 1311 😮

I want pay by today because I don’t want to be a bad credit credit cards user. If I ever listed as one, my card will be canceled and I have to apply for credit cards for bad credit user. And if I want to apply for new car loan, it will be hard if they also list me as bad credit loans user.

But I can’t stand waiting that long… I went back without paying my credit card because I don’t think the bank will list me as bad credit credit cards user 😆


Sold my old car and going to buy DSLR soon


Last week I sold my Honda Civic EG8 to my cousin after he manages to get online Car Loans quote from one of the online loan service. I have not been using the car for 2 years. I wanted to get rid of the car for sometimes. Now I got extra cash… and the first thing I’m going to buy is… the Canon EOS 40D SLR Digital camera. I will talk more about it later… once I get it 😀


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