People wearing eyeglasses should be given income tax rebate because of economic tsunami
eyeglasses, life October 31st, 2008Recently I changed my eyeglasses since the old one cracked after I accidentally dropped it on the floor. This is how it happened… I took it off and put in on the table because I want to rest for a while after looking at the computer for hours… and forgot that it was on top of a magazine. So after resting for a while, I pull the magazine to start reading instead of continuing with the computer… tokkkkk… something just drop on the cement floor. Immediately I know what just dropped… and it cost me quite a lot… more than RM600.
I know it’s hard to believe it is more than RM600… but there are reasons. First, I need a high ‘power’ lens so normal lens will be very thick… I’m very shy to tell how much power I use… very shy shy bah… So, to compensate the thickness, I got myself a very high index lens from Japan… thinner and lighter but more expensive. Secondly, to further reduce the weight, I needed a light frame made from titanium. But super light titanium frame is very expensive too. So with these two features just to reduce the weigh of my eyeglasses the price goes so high… in fact there are more expensive one but that was my limit, can’t go any higher than that… But if you check on the net, you can buy much cheaper then what I’ve spent… shocking but true, you can get high index lens with complete prescription eyeglasses for $8.00 only at Zenni Optical :O
October 31st, 2008 at 9:25 pm
With that kind of price, you should consider doing what Ornest did…….
😆 You don’t notice kah?… shhh…
November 3rd, 2008 at 6:07 am
ha ha. I had the same mistake too. I bought a frameless titanium cost me RM1k +. It was still new and I wasn’t use to wear frameless, so it must be so light. And I was having lunch with a friend, so I took out the spec and leave on the table. Suddenly the wind flow, and off my spect fly away and crack !
ouch… tat is so light…