How many female firefighter you have seen in your whole life? Not many or none at all I guess… I don’t recall I ever seen one before… what can I say, we never think of a female firefighter… firefighting is guys job.

But working in a male dominated field is not a stumbling block for a 25 year old lady from Semporna. Although there are 3 ladies currently working with the Fire and Rescue Department, she is different.

The other two, Sariah Saim from Balung and Fauziah Samang from Sandakan is doing administrative work. But for Norhaini Jumdani, she is working in the operation devision. It’s weird for a woman doing field operation works especially in a very challenging work like fire fighting and rescue. One might wonder what she carries with her during work. I’m sure she doesn’t carries lipsticks and small mirror… but probably skin care products like sun block 😆 OK enough making joke about her… 😛

She said it is her dream to become a firefighter. When she received the offer two years ago, her family was totally against her idea. She follows her guts and travels from Semporna to Kota Kinabalu alone to fulfill her dream. But today, everything has change, her family has accepted and understands her very much.

She said firefighting is a very challenging work and hope the people would be more understanding about their duties as their only intention is to help the people and never to burden them. “We are doing our best to put out fire but what we get are only angry words…” she said during the Tawau’s Fire and Rescue Department Day recently.