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state government pay through online banking

accounting, accounting firm, auditing, online banking

OK, this is for those who are not aware that the state government has been using online banking for many years already… not only for staffs salary which was paid using bank transfer much earlier but for almost all payment.

The state government has been embarking on online applications for many years already… for HR, accounting and many other type of online apps. Probably accounting is the closest app to those who are doing works for the government… getting paid online. The government accounting system or procedures are different from commercial accounting. Commercial accounting applications can be bought or can hire accounting firm like raleigh accounting firm to process their account… good for auditing.

Anyway, if you made any claim from the government, don’t expect the payment in check form… but check in your bank account. Payment are credited directly to your company bank account… the reason I wrote this was I received a query from someone asking if government pay through bank… the answer is YES… to save paper… and it is much efficient… 😀

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star rating

accounting, POS, retail, star rating, system

Star Rating here… Star Rating there… haiyooo… every where also Star Rating… And NO, it has nothing to do with Hotels’ Star Rating… it’s all about work performance… Mechanisms to measure and rate the performance of the agencies in the Public Sector… with star rating… 😛

First it was just the usual general star rating to measure and rate the overall performance of our department, somewhere in Jun or earlier… and our section was tasked to handle the ICT management area… I can’t really remember when exactly they asked us to start doing it coz previously we have our boss to take care of that…. Then we became headless in October, so I have to take over… and I’m so lost about it… 😛

Then at the end of October, another kind of star rating came… this time, it just star rating for Finance and Account Management by the Akauntan Negara… gosh, this star rating is making all of us going nuts. The worse part, we have to redo our inventory… the documents we used for our inventory are no longer valid.. coz it was replaced since October 2010!… What the heck… I never saw any circular about this… 😛 No choice but we have to redo everything registered since October 2010… 😛

But lucky we have two in one system for the staffs to apply stuffs and to register anything we received… and we called it eShop… yes, the word came from ‘shop’ and it’s like a Retail POS System that you can find in supermarket… although we don’t have shop, we need similar ‘shop’ system… coz we need to keep stocks… to keep track what stuffs people request and took from us. We have been updating all our inventory for more than a month… 😛 I really hope we can finish everything by this week… so that we will start everything new and fresh next week… next year… 😀 Without the system, we may not able to complete it in short time… cross my fingers… 😛

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