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state government pay through online banking

accounting, accounting firm, auditing, online banking

OK, this is for those who are not aware that the state government has been using online banking for many years already… not only for staffs salary which was paid using bank transfer much earlier but for almost all payment.

The state government has been embarking on online applications for many years already… for HR, accounting and many other type of online apps. Probably accounting is the closest app to those who are doing works for the government… getting paid online. The government accounting system or procedures are different from commercial accounting. Commercial accounting applications can be bought or can hire accounting firm like raleigh accounting firm to process their account… good for auditing.

Anyway, if you made any claim from the government, don’t expect the payment in check form… but check in your bank account. Payment are credited directly to your company bank account… the reason I wrote this was I received a query from someone asking if government pay through bank… the answer is YES… to save paper… and it is much efficient… 😀

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Maybank oh Maybank

bank, maybank, maybank2u, online, online banking

Whenever someone asks me about the best bank in the country, I will give them 2 banks. One is Public Bank for its best counter service. They are so efficient and fast you will not have enough time to fill-up your form if you take the queue number first.

For online service, I will suggest Maybank. I have been using Maybank2u since 2000. Their online service is the best… as far as my experience… Unfortunately, I don’t like their counter service… it damm bloody slow!

After the food testing and since our golf game is canceled, I decided to visit the Maybank at Karamunsing. I was here about a month ago about linking my credit card with my savings in the Maybank2u. Dammm… it looks like the previous bloody bank officer did not forward my problem to their HQ. My problem started when they change my credit card number. My old credit card is already link with my saving in Maybank2u. With the linking, I can view my credit card statement anytime… pay the credit card online and other bills too. Today I have to do it all over again… I hope the officer this time is responsible enough to forward my problem to their HQ in KL.

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