panda eyes
blurry vision, dark circle, dark eye circle, lack of sleep, panda eyes, under eye creamO yeah panda eyes… this is what you get when sleeping late every day… black circle around your eyes as if you just received a blow on your face… right on your eye.. 😛 Some may think you are wearing makeup… eye shadows?… and to some very conscious ‘ladies’, they will use under eye cream to hide those black circles… 😛 but that cream will not hide your sleepy eyes… 😛
Anyway, lack of sleep not only gives you dark circles around your eyes, it gives you blurry vision… trying to stay awake and staying late is not good to your vision… you see, when you sleep late, your eyes tend to get blurry… and this blurry thingy can go on until midday or more… and it can cause migraine 😛 So get enough sleep if you a healthy visions 😀