Microsoft TechEd – My Bags
microsoft, teched, teched2003, teched2004, techedsea2006
Check out what I found in the store room and behind the cupboard… My Microsoft TechEd bags!
And they are full of dust… poor bags. I never used them after TechEds. But now, it has been cleaned and pack into plastic bag so no dust will attack them again 🙂
TechEd 2007 SEA bag… its still OK 🙂
TechEd 2004 Malaysia bag… and its not OK, the straps are rotten… disintegrated 🙁
TechEd 2003 Malaysia bag… and its still OK 🙂
These are the kids doing the Operation Cleaning Microsoft Bags! 😉 They are my nephews.
And I also found this bag… I won this bag in the some years back, I have 2 of them 😉 So, I gave the kids one each 🙂