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web directories for page rank for money?

directories service, page rank, SEO, web

Some websites are very dependent to their ranking from organizations that rank websites such as Google page rank, Yahoo! WebRank or Alexa ranking. Getting a better rank position for a website is useful when it needs a better exposure in the internet…. which translates into the website’s popularity… and sometimes… or most of the time… money!!!

My blog was once rank by one of the most prominent ranking organization… but now I have none I guess… 😛 but it doesn’t really matter for now…

Some might even go to the extent of paying Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) services to gain better rank. But is there really a best paid web directories services out there? Well, it’s up to you whether to trust the service or not… but I guess most of them are not doing what they promised… like instead of making your rank going positive, it goes south… 😛

There are also free web directories services… but this is worse coz they will simply put your back link into all their members including members websites which have been blacklisted by… probably by all rank organizations out there… which in turn, your website get penalized too!!!

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IZEA Real Rank for Pay Per Post

izea, page rank, real rank

Lately, we are harassed by the Google with their Page Rank sweep. They keep on changing their ranking rules… till I guess they can’t even rank themselves properly. Like me, I was ranked from N/A (0) to 3 suddenly late last month. Then after 2 weeks, it went down to 2 until it goes back to N/A a week later. But when I use tools to check my PR status, it looks like it is not 0 but I got BANNED! And that banned is not for me alone, there are many out there who become the victims too. For us who are trying to make money with our paid posting in our blog are greatly affected… Google is trying to KILL us! 

Luckily, Pay Per Post comes out with their own ranking called IZEA Real Rank. Hopefully those harassed by the Google Page Rank lately can start smiling again 😀 … The IZEA Real Rank will start showing in our PPP control panel starting 20 November 2007 server time. PPP will start calculating our rank from that day… Happy Blogging 😀


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