Today is Quality Day for our department. This is the day where awards are given to those who deserve it. The recipients are chosen base on their contribution which is something extra or more than the usual in their work or extraordinary… but sometimes it is hard to tell… very subjective.

Included is competition for best office. The best organized office will definitely win. But for me, this is very subjective too. How do you compare between offices which is doing clerical works with office which is doing maintenance. Like my office, we are doing maintenance of ICT stuff… and there are loads of them to maintain. So our office will always be filled with ICT stuff needing maintenance in a not very big space… our office will never be empty or clean.

Anyway, we still participated in the competition. And one item which is very unique amongst the metals is some jars with plants and some balls inside it. My colleague, the ladies, put it as one of the decoration on the counter. The little orange balls look like ball bearings… but they are actually gels… orange ball bearings gel. They act as the water supply for the plants… so we don’t have to water the plant all the time… and it also replaces the soil, hence the planting is cleaner 😀