Woodsball aka Paint Ball at KKIP
paint ball, woodsballA friend requested for my help to snap photos for their friendly woodsball match held at one of the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP) construction site. It was held last Saturday, 11 April 2009.
I was assisted by another friend to take the photos and who also took some videos. We started our journey from Penampang before 7 am. We took our ngau-chap breakfast at Nyuk Pau Baru at Inanam Manggatal before continuing our journey to Mangatal Tuaran.
We actually lost our way and end up entering the Kayu Madang garbage disposal area. We were already off for 3km from the main before realizing it, but luckily we manage to reach our destination before the match started.
The place is quite nice… big open space… easy to avoid stray bullets 😀
I enjoyed taking photos of the match and looking forward for my next assignment 😀 … which I believed will be a real ‘woodsball’ match… in none other than… in the jungle lah, where else kan?… it will be somewhere in Moyog or Babagon Dam 😀 And this time, the 70-300mm F4-5.6 IS USM lens I ordered should be around… I wish I can get a faster lens though…
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