power bracelet
aura, bracelet, health, rare stones, sportsWhen you were at a sports shop, I’m sure you’ve seen some colourful rubber bracelet or necklace inside the glass display or hanging on the display cabinet. Well, you must have seen the metal type too…
What are these colourful stuffs?… Some of them are just plain rubber bracelet printed with sports brand or team and some with hard black thingy on it like stone… If you still don’t know what are they, the one with the black thingy on it are called power bracelet or aura bracelet… the black thingy usually magnets, but some are special stones… rare stones… and they cost more than the plain rubber bracelets.
The metal bracelets with rare stones or magnets cost extremely higher compared to the rubber type. They looks more like jewellery… usually golfer wear these… and people just called it golfers bracelet… but I guess it depends what sports the wearer play… if the wearer play tennis, they probably called it tennis bracelet…
What so special with these bracelets?… According to the text printed on its box, it helps relieve or relax the body… 😛 How true? I have no I idea… But lots claims it really do have some power or healing capabilities… I used the rubber type when I was playing golf before, but not for long… probably the reason I did not feel anything…