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Online Advertising Getting Stiff in 2008?

2008, advertising, blog

Looks like the year of 2008 will be going to show some competition among the online advertisers especially around this region. Some bloggers have to remove some of the competing advertiser on their blog. For me, I have to choose which advertiser will bring me more money. I end up removing a couple of advertisers on all my blogs last night. It sound unfair but I need to buy food you know… and I eat a lot 😀

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smorty The Meeting Place for Advertisers and Bloggers

advertising, blog

Smorty is a place for advertisers and bloggers to meet. Advertisers can pay smorty to manage their blog advertising. While bloggers can subscribes with smorty to get paid to blog about the advertisements.

The cheapest and fastest tool to get the widest coverage for advertisement in the internet nowadays is through blog advertising. Most blogger will like to look for get paid for blogging opportunity. This shows it is not hard for the advertisers to advertise on blogs since there are pool of bloggers out there waiting to take this oppotunity.

I have been with smorty since August this year and had a great experience with them as a blogger. Smorty is a great place to blog for money and I have taken more than 15 opportunities so far. In fact they have given me more than that, but I can’t take them all since I have other commitments. Now you see, blogger has a large avenue to grow and get paid to blog. Smorty will pay blogger within a week once their posting is approved.

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