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adwords, august6th, eBusiness, eCommerce, economy, internet marketing, marketing, SEO

On Friday night, 8th February, I went for street photography at Segama, Kota Kinabalu, with a friend in conjunction with the Chinese New Year Night Market. You can say that the CNY night market in KK is somehow a tradition… the market is held once a year, the night before the big dinner…

I pick up my friend around 7.20pm and reach KK after 30 minutes… but it was havoc in KK… the traffic was almost stand-still… we spend about an hour circling the area to get a parking. At the end we parked about 500 meter away from the night market.

Anyways, I’m going to talk about today’s business… not the traditional way of doing business. Business are hard these days, and some of us still do the conventional way of business which is opening up a store and sell stuff like the CNY night market. But nowadays, most of us are moving in a new direction which is doing e-business or online business.

There are plenty of ways to do business online; one of the preferred methods of doing a business online is through website. There are plenty of websites that sells stuff online, mainly because it’s easier for the consumer to buy stuff without leaving their home, instead, they can just purchase stuff from their computer while comfortably sitting at home.

Although there are a lot of people or company sells stuff online, for example the successful eBay and Amazon, there are still many out there who are struggling or not up to par to make profit. If you are starting an online business from scratch, it does gonna be difficult bringing traffic to a newly created website. One way to avoid this is to get a website from those who sells online website such as Dallas internet marketing firm. These people build website for a living, so they know what and what not to do through their experiences.

Having a good website alone isn’t enough to push your online business, even if your website sells cool stuffs, it’s not going to help if no one knows that your website even existed… less traffic means less exposure… less exposure means less sells… less sells mean no profit! But even if your online business is getting a lot of attention, is there anything more that can be done?

So, say you have a good website that is functioning well and it’s getting a lot of attention, but the attention or traffics are only those from around you… you wanted to get more traffic not only those around you but from around the world. The easiest and cheapest way to get attention is to subscribe the google search adwords. Basically what it does is display your advertisement created by you for your product that you’re offering on your website, and it will be displayed on Google if someone is searching for something that’s similar to your keyword. Your advertisement will show up, and they might be interested in it and click on your Google adwords… and hopefully buy your product once they are at your e-commerce website. Or if that is too complex to you, you can just subscribe to a web marketing service like Dallas web marketing to do the advertising for you 😀

The other way to get an e-business noticed is to get the help from an online business marketing agency like Dallas Internet Marketing. Unless you’re someone who is well-known or your business has been published in many business magazines or papers, you do need help from expert in bringing traffics to your e-commerce site 😀

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Google Adwords Guide & Ebook

adwords, google

If you have something to sell or have sold in the internet before, I’m sure you must have heard about Google Adwords before. And I’m sure you have heard about guides on how to make use of it.

There are many Google Adwords guides out there, but what I’m going to show you today is a guide and eBook by Steve Baker called The Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords. Steve Baker is a full time Pay Per Click (PPC) professional or you can call him the Google Adwords Professional.

At his website, you can find his genuinely unique and useful resource guide, blog, user comments and eBook about Google Adwords. It will show you how your Google Adwords contextual advert to appear in appropriate Google results so that you can get more hits from your contextual advert. If you have something to sell, you definitely will make money online by following his guide.


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