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Evacuation Successful

Air Asia, airport, bandara, flight change, indonesia, minangkabau

It’s not that hard to deal with Air Asia… manage to change my brother’s air travel without hassle.

I went to Kota Kinabalu International Airport’s Terminal 2 around 11.00am yesterday. I called a friend to find out if he has any contact in AirAsia… he said got, so we met at the airport.

But once we were there, found out all his contacts are either not working or not on morning shift… 😛

Anyway, I approached the sales counter… there were two counters… still entertaining a customer each.

Then it was my turn, but since I don’t have my brother’s details… and his wife… I have to call their hotel in Indonesia to get the details… and at the end after like 20 minutes… I created a long queue… 😆

I cancelled their Wednesday flight and bought them a new flight for that day… because buying a new air fare is much cheaper then getting penalty for changing flight 😛

They fly out from Indonesia through Bandara International Minangkabau Airport at 2.50pm heading Kuala Lumpur International Airport… mission accomplished… 😀


May 08 trip to KL Part 1 – Boarding

Air Asia, life

I’m in KL right now attending course. I came here on Sunday using Air Asia… my first time with AirAsia. Well, it supposed to be MAS but something went wrong in the booking when both of my tickets are canceled… I end up going by Air Asia and going back with MAS. I have to pay the Air Asia first then claim later… almost $500 charged to my credit card… grrrrr…

Experience with Air Asia for the fist time is ‘exciting’… here are the first part of the pictorial experience… 😀

My first ever boarding pass with Air Asia on the 25ht May 2008

I paid extra $20 for Xpress Boarding… so that I can enter the aircraft first and choose the best seat. I manage to get seat 6A 😀

Inside the waiting area at KKIA Terminal 2. I took my sweet time, and become the last person in the Xpress Boarding queue… but it gave the the chance to snap more photos.

Snapping photos on the tarmac is not allowed… but who cares… I will only stop when they catch me 😀

No aero bridge… so have to walk under the sun and use the ‘stairs’…

Manage to get some ‘good’ snaps but not as good as Fattien’s


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