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blackhead tape

blackhead removal

I really hate it when the acne grows inside my nose… it damm painful. I only getting this when I ate something or when the surrounding is full of unhealthy fumes. And these unhealthy fumes also causes another problem… blackheads. Now, not only need acne cream remover but also blackhead removal tape or mask… I tried the one like tape… you wet your face or nose, put the blackhead remover tape on it, let it dry then slowly pull the tape… and there, on the tape you will see the blackheads… 😛

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shiny face

adventure, blackhead removal, extreme, health, oily, skin

Being exposed to the hot sun too for long added with the thick haze nowadays is not only bad to the lung but to the skin too.

Being at the horse race track with all the dust flying around under the hot sun then dashing to take photos of the firemen putting out fire near the race horse track actually exposing my lung to all kinds of bad elements… horse germs, dust, smoke… everything goes into my lung… and deep into my skin… probably the reasons I’m having the itchy palms and soles!!!

And at the end of the day, my skin face become too oily… too shiny… too reflective… cleaning my face by scrubbing it with normal soap alone don’t really help… after rinsing the, the skin still oily and looks black… 😛 I have to use Oxy as blackhead removal then only the black face turn a bit fairer… 😆

Well, I have to get used to these if I want to continue with this hobby and turn myself into an extreme adventure photographer… 😀

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