Some people drink coffee to stay awake… me, I don’t need anything… I can stay awake anytime… unless I’m too tired… That’s why I always stay awake late… but nowadays I try to force myself to sleep before 12.00am.

But it’s hard to fall asleep when you are so used to staying late… and it’s easy to identify those who don’t have enough sleep… usually they have panda eyes… 😀 You don’t know what is Panda Eyes?… well that is the black or blue-black thingy around your eyes… this dark eye circles always appears when you don’t have enough sleep… 😛 If you have it, get enough sleep coz you are lacking of sleep.

nescafe breakfast body partner

OK back to coffee thingy… I don’t like drinking coffee… coz it makes my pee smell coffee… 😛 especially Nescafe… but I found out there is Nescafe which don’t make my pee smelly… it’s a premix coffee called Body Partner Nescafe Breakfast… try it… it really don’t have that thick coffee smell… it has mixture of taste… milk… oat… sweet… 😛