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need money for car insurance

auto, car, car service, insurance, quote

errrrr… have to spend some more money this month… received a reminder for my car insurance renewal recently… 😛 The auto insurance quotes says, it’s gonna be RM400++ after the 55% NCD… No Claim Discount… 😛

Last month I just spent almost RM900 for the car service and air-con service… where to get money now?… The RM500 bonus for this month by the federal government seems to be no where… coz the state government have not announced if they going to do the same or not… If they give the bonus, then I can use it to pay my car insurance premium… just nice… just enough to pay for the insurance premium and road tax… but still not enough to pay my 7 more speeding tickets… the bloody ‘saman ekor’ or speed trap or speed camera… amounting to RM1800… 😛

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service maintenance time

absorber, car service, ferrari parts, maintenance, toyota, umw

Haiyoo… time to make booking with UMW Toyota… I need to service my car… it has exceeded 3,000 km from its regular 10,000 km maintenance. Maybe I need to replace the absorbers too coz I feel the car is a bit bumpy… the bump is quite hard… meaning there is nothing or very little absorber functions at all the absorbers… since I drive quite rough, I think I should use Ferrari parts so that the car is more comfortable… or make it lower… money fly again… 😛

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