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Lucky Dog :D

chinese zodiac, dog, horoscopes, luck, tiger, vitamin, wealth

This is the year of the Tiger… and I was born in the year of Dog… and I’m proud to be DOG… coz when u reverse the word it becomes GOD… hahahaha…

Anyway, this is what Lilian Too of World of Feng Shui Boutiques says about people born in the year of the Dog for this year….

The Dog enjoys the Luck of Small Auspicious, which means there will be a series of small but meaningful reason to celebrate through the year… emmm I’m going to strike the big Jackpot this year 😆 …  There may not be anything earth-shattering, but in a variety of small ways, you have reason to smile. The year will be kind, as the Tiger is your ally, but your intrinsic energy is weak, so success may be difficult to achieve… emmmm…  maybe the Dogs needs the best vitamin for men this year 😀

OK, that are some of what she said… there are many but I’m worried if I put it down here, I will start buying all her feng shui stuffs…

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Cool Doggy

bull, dog, pet, supplies

Gaya Street’s Sunday market at Kota Kinabalu is one of the major attractions for weekend shopping… you can get all kind goods there… green goods like vegetables, fruits… even grass for your garden.

Pets are also sold there… cats, hamsters, fish, dogs…

Last Sunday, after taking photos of the Borneo International Marathon 2009, we went to the Gaya Street… to have breakfast around the area and also to be a tourist… snapping photos of the market 😀

There is one particular stall I was attracted while we were there… probably the others too… the stall is selling dogs… puppies… and dog supplies.

Dogs don’t really bother me… at home we have 4 dogs… but there is one particular dog at the stall attracted me… a bull dog… yea… I think it is a bull dog…. yea… first time I saw a real bull dog… only see them on TV before… maybe I should buy a bull dog in future… 😀


Thunderous Morning

alarm systems, dog, guard, motion, security, sensor, shock, thunder

Early this morning around 1AM, it was raining for a short while but with thunderous sound. The weather was quite warm for the past few days and it has not rain for sometimes too… there were rain but not that heavy and usually in the evening.

This time around, it was in the early morning and only lasted about half hour or so. But some might have experienced shorter or longer rains. The rain came with strong wind and the thunder was thundering like the sky is going to crack.

One of my colleague told how she was awaken by her dogs… funny she was not awaken by the loud thunders 😛 She said her dogs were scratching the door asking to be let inside the house. Her poor dogs were terrified by the sound of the thunder…

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