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Study Tour to Ko Nelayan at Dalit Tuaran Part 2

farming, fish, life

This is the video of the huge fish tank at Ko Nelayan. It can hold 300kg of fish… errr… meaning when all the fish inside the tank are harvested… adult fish of course… you should get around 300kg of them 😀

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Study Tour to Ko Nelayan at Dalit Tuaran Part 1

farming, fish, life

Last Saturday, 10 May 2008, my department’s sports club went for a study tour at Ko Nelayan, Dalit Tuaran next to Kelly’s Bay (I hope I got this right). Ko Nelayan is a government unit under the Fisheries Department. Their duties are to do research and to breed fish and prawn. They are selling the prawn and fish fries to farmers.

The group went there by bus but as usual, I drive myself. I was late and about 20KM behind them. It was raining heavily along the journey. I believe the traffic ‘speed trap’ will not work when there is not enough light, so I was speeding more than 100kmp most of the time like a Formula 1 driver trying to catch them. Cool enough I arrived there less than 3 minutes after the bus arrive 😀

This is the first part of the photos I taken…

We had our lunch at Transit Dalit

The plankton ‘farm’ for feeding prawn and fish.

More of the plankton farming lab…

Demo on how the prawn mating! Each of it cost about $130… and its duties is to breed.

Next is the $16K new generation tank from Australia… Maybe I will buy one of it… or maybe I just build one 😀 I have a video of it, I will post it later. I know someone who is starting a fish pond is eager to see the video 😉 Hold your horses… It will be in the next part I hope 😀
The design of the tank is circular and it has a reason for that…

Demo on how to control the flow of the water…

The Bernoulli concepts… see how much air bubbles in the water… oxygen for the fish.


I wanna buy fish tank

aquarium, arowana, fish, life

On thursday, before we entered Fuji Car Accessories, we stop by at aquarium shop next to it. I’m so interested with one of the aquarium… the price is RM588… I plan to get one soon 🙂



Look at this arowana… enjoying playing with the water spray…


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