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my new aquarium

aquarium, kmart, mart

Last year, I ordered an aquarium thru a friend who went to China… I guess he went there for business trip. Buying stuff from China can save you some money… not little but a lot sometimes… probably you only have to pay a third of what you have to pay here.

After a couple of months, the aquarium arrived, but I did not pick it right away, so it was kept in their store until last week. I wanted to collect it a few times, but most of the time our timing was not right… furthermore the aquarium is quite big… a three feet aquarium, which needed a bigger transport like a van.

At last I manage to bring it home last week. I was looking forward to assemble the aquarium… it came with a cabinet which need to be assemble. It’s quite easy to assemble the cabinet… I did the same with my previous aquarium. The cabinet is a DIY kind of design… you won’t make mistake coz all are measured to fit accordingly. My nephews were eager to help to assemble the aquarium and I told them we are going to do it on Saturday… which was yesterday.

Early morning of Saturday, they already calling me about the aquarium… at first I was lazy to do it and was planning to go to the gym that morning. But since they were eager to help, I decided to do it. I text my friend to inform that I’m not going to the gym that morning…

So, my two nephews helped me to remove the aquarium box. There are two boxes… one holding the cabinet and another holding the aquarium. The cabinet box is very heavy… the cabinet’s woods must be very strong, that’s why it’s heavy. The aquarium box is lighter…

We started with the aquarium box coz we want to see the aquarium before we start assembling the cabinet. Removing the aquarium box was quite easy…first remove the wood cage… then tear the paper box… after tearing and removing some of the paper box… the shocking sight appears!… OH NO!!!… The aquarium is broken!!! At many parts…

Oh craps… waited for it for so long, and now we can’t use it at all… if it was purchased with kmart promotions for the whole family from the local aquarium mart, then I won’t be so disappointed coz I’m sure I can ask for a replacement… but this is a one off purchase from thousands miles away mart… 🙁

I can’t do much… we can’t do anything… so we pack it back… donno what I’m going to do with it… if there is acrylic aquarium maker around, I might be able to ask them to build one with the same design so that I can use back the frame and cabinet… or if anyone know if it possible to fix an acrylic aquarium or know a place I can fix it here, please let me know… I will appreciate it very much…

Some more photos… . . . Continue Reading »

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How did I sweat out today?

aquarium, exercise, golf, life

Supposed to play golf this morning with my 2 regular golfing buddies but cancelled because one of them injured. I really need some form of exercise to sweat out coz most of the time I’m only mentally exercised. If we’ve played today, it‘s the first for this year. The SMS I received yesterday… “T-off time for year 2009 will start tomorrow. Any comment?” and I replied, “No comment coz no training :)”. And then the cancellation SMS, “Latest info.. Mr. Adrian injured for tomorrows game.. T-Off will be postponed next week and to be confirmed next Saturday..hehehe..”. . . . Continue Reading »


My new plant for my aquarium

aquarium, life

Once again, I was ‘missing’ from updating my blog. Normally I update my blog at home around 8pm onwards. But for the past few months, I was just too tired to do the updating… thanks to the ‘all kind of works’ at office. So, lately after dinner, I just land myself at the sofa and surf the TV instead. I tried to tell myself, ‘update your blog dude’… but I just don’t have the mood… anyways, I will try to ‘look after’ more at it…

OK, since I came back from TechEd SEA 2008 on the 17 August 2008, I have not clean up my aquarium… yah… it’s like 3 weeks already.

This evening, I bought an interesting plant at the Tanjung Aru aquarium shops. It cost me RM15 and I’m not sure what its name… this is the most expensive plants I ever bought so far… hope it will not disappoint me by turning into ‘brown’ color. After changing the aquarium’s water, set the plant in the middle…


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elo… anybody missed me? :D

aquarium, life

OK lah, OK lah… I’m still lazy bah, but becoz someone commented I did not update the blog for so long, suddenly I ter’wake-up’ lah…

So today, I just want to post something and also to tell everyone that I’m still around and do read ‘your’ blogs, it just tat I’m lazy to sit and type entries…

Basically I was busy with work as usual. Since came back from KL early Jun, I have gone to Tawau…

And I also made myself busy with my aquarium which I’ve modified since my previous post about it… for now, do enjoy my aquarium… it was not that clear coz of the reflection… I captured it this morning before rushing to office 😛


My Aquarium


I’ve posted about my aquarium before but the story just stop there. To locate my entire aquarium posting, you can use the search tool on top by searching the keyword ‘aquarium’.

I stop posting about aquarium because all my fish died after 3 or more weeks, one by one. I have no experience with aquarium. I just pack my aquarium and store it… that’s it!

But recently a friend said his guppy give birth to about 20 – 30 fry… wow, I never imagine fish can breed inside aquarium. That’s why the interest of building my aquarium comes back. And at the same time, my office has setup an aquarium too. And now, I’m more learned about aquarium… 😀

OK, here is my aquarium setup at the moment… no fish yet, waiting for the guppies to grow. All are artificial ornaments. But I’ve changed my mind, I will revamp the whole content with life plants… I already started with 2 life plants, will show it when it’s ready 😀

Watch the My Aquarium v1.0 video.


Office Aquarium


This is our office aquarium. Currently it has 3 pairs of fish… and we are not sure what species they are. I think one pair is an angel fish type, second is red color type and the third pair is a striped fish… maybe tiger fish… 😀

Watch the Office Aquarium video.

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I bought an aquarium :D


On Saturday, I full filled one of my dreams last year… I bought my dream aquarium 😀 I always wanted to have an aquarium for many years… but never get one coz I don’t think I’m able to care the fish… no time lah…

When I saw the aquarium at Putatan, near the Fuji Car Accessories last year, which I really like… I did not notice it comes with a stand… so on our way to the shop, I was figuring how I’m going to make the stand… I even ask Patrick who made his new gate… coz maybe I will make wrought iron stand with wheels for the aquarium 😀

When we reach at the shop, I do the usual windows shopping first… then Patrick pointed out it looks like the package comes with a stand… orait… I asked the shop assistant and he said YES! Holy cow… this is too easy… making my dream easier… in fact I promised myself that if I’m not one of the ‘unlucky’ in the major ‘process’, I will get the aquarium… 😀 so you should know why bought the aquarium… it’s miracle… lol

The package comes with the aquarium, stand, water filter pump, lights, plastic plant, artificial octopus on stone, a stone bridge and some colorful stones. I did not like the colorful stones. I asked the taukey if I can change the stone… I said, I don’t want my fish to think the stone as M&M’s… He said ok… so I told the shop assistant to get me new stones… unfortunately, the one I like is not available… I settle with the closes stones…

This is the $450 aquarium package… (after discount from $488)

No fish yet… need to do some burning test first… next week going to buy small fish 😀 and some more accessories.

. . . Continue Reading »


I wanna buy fish tank

aquarium, arowana, fish, life

On thursday, before we entered Fuji Car Accessories, we stop by at aquarium shop next to it. I’m so interested with one of the aquarium… the price is RM588… I plan to get one soon 🙂



Look at this arowana… enjoying playing with the water spray…


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